Customer management

Customer management applications help to acquire and bind customers. In addition, this application supports companies in achieving customer satisfaction.

Customer management, also known as customer relationship management (CRM), includes a variety of applications that allow companies to manage interactions and relationships with customers throughout the customer lifecycle.

Customer management comprises applications that are used for customer acquisition, customer loyalty and customer satisfaction and covers a wide range of activities to offer customers an exceptional customer experience.


The «Customer management» category contains the following technology applications:

Customer data plattform – 360° customer view

A customer data platform (CDP) integrates and manages customer data from various sources across the company (marketing, sales and service). This technology enables a 360-degree view of customers and provides the basis for individual marketing campaigns and personalized product and experience design.

Use Case: More transparency and improved collaboration through artificial intelligence – MSC Cruises

Customer Journey mapping and tracking

With customer journey mapping and tracking, customer interactions and experiences can be visualized across various touchpoints along the entire customer journey.

Workflow Management

Workflow management enables complex work processes to be organized, automated and monitored. RPA applications are often used in addition to this in order to increase process efficiency.

Next Best Action

Next Best Action is a data-driven marketing approach with the aim of identifying possible actions or individual recommendations for customers in real time. This technology is based on the analysis of customer data and behavioral patterns (see also CDP). Various tools integrate Next Best Action functionalities.

Customer Experience Tracking

CX Tracking systematically collects and analyzes data on interactions and experiences across various touchpoints with the aim of continuously optimizing products and services and improving customer satisfaction.

Use Case:

Emotion recognition

With emotion recognition or emotion detection, human emotions are recognized and interpreted in real time by machines based on voice, facial expressions, texts or other sensory data. For example, customers can be directed to specially trained employees or respond appropriately to certain situations.